From The Ashes Of Deceit

rating icon 7.5 / 10

Track listing:

01. From The Ashes Of Deceit
02. Aflame The Cold
03. Oblivion
04. Symphony Of Demise
05. Moira
06. Downfall
07. Renewal Of Hope
08. Mechanical Ascendance
09. Echoes Of Betrayal
10. The Heart Of The Forest (feat. Tina Guo)

There are times when too much confidence can make you look a bit silly. Nobody expects a press release to be free of hyperbole, but the blurb that accompanies ARIES DESCENDANT's debut album makes several claims that were only ever going to fall flat on their faces. This collaboration between melodic metal virtuosos Jonah Weingarten (PYRAMAZE) and Nicklas Sonne (DEFECTO) was a tempting proposition to begin with, but now we are promised "a sonic tapestry that is unparalleled in its innovation" where "musical boundaries are shattered" and, gloriously, "an auditory odyssey that… leaves an indelible mark on the landscape of contemporary music." Full marks for believing in yourself, lads, but unless "From The Ashes Of Deceit" is the single, greatest symphonic heavy metal album of all time, and so much so that there is a broad consensus of agreement about exactly how brilliant it is, there is literally no feasible way that those expectations will be met. It all seems a bit unnecessary, really.

Thankfully, ARIES DESCENDANT's first full-length is clearly and plainly an absolutely top-tier example of the form. It is also definitely at the insanely over-the-top end of the symphonic spectrum, if never quite as epoch-shattering as advertised. "From The Ashes Of Deceit" has a huge sound that hovers skillfully on the fine line between majestic and clinical, and with orchestral and keyboard arrangements that wear their "more is more" inclinations like a shiny, gold badge of honor. In terms of heaviness and metallic bite, ARIES DESCENDANT are no slouches. Even when veering off on another indulgent, strings-drenched detour, the razor-edged riffs and whirlwind kicks that propel everything along are as hard-hitting and precise as anything in power metal. The sum of all those meticulously performed parts is most tellingly expressed through the more progressive and extravagant likes of "Symphony Of Demise" and "Echoes Of Betrayal", both of which touch upon almost MANOWAR-like levels of pomposity and brute force, while also letting ARIES DESCENDANT's yards-wide, fantasy movie soundtrack streak off the leash. Similarly, cellist Tina Guo brings her sublime skills to "The Heart Of The Forest": a gorgeous epilogue that shimmers to a restful fade, dreamily cinematic to the core.

Elsewhere, discerning fans of symphonic and power metal have plenty to sink their teeth into. At their heaviest on uproarious opener "Aflame The Cold" and the brooding, theatrical "Downfall", Weingarten and Sonne never become too distracted by symphonic trimmings, remembering that heavy metal is the beating heart of this thing. And yes, it does all sound fantastic: big, bombastic, finely detailed and flamboyant. Sonne has a terrific voice that punches home every melody with great gusto, and Weingarten's lavish scores are uniformly sparkling. "Unparalleled in its innovation" is pushing it a bit, but "From The Ashes Of Deceit" is a strong first foray, and ARIES DESCENDANT have potential in abundance. But let's not get carried away.

Author: Dom Lawson
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